Easter, Easter, Easter

Written by Changing Habits

March 19, 2014

Do you often return to work after a well-deserved break feeling sorry for yourself, possibly because you have packed on a few kilo’s, you’re skin has broken out, you have headaches or you’ve come out in a rash? You also might feel tired, lousy and unmotivated? Once you realise these symptoms, you might have a few flashbacks to all those times over the holidays where you ate things that you wouldn’t usually. Was it worth it?

If you have worked hard at your health, or are on a journey towards health, it’s not worth it. Rather than indulging on things that look like food, taste like food, but aren’t actually food, get creative and steal a few of the following recipes. Eating healthy doesn’t mean depriving yourself of mouth watering treats.

Chocolate ideas


 Yes, chocolate CAN be good for you.



The 53 Shades of Chocolate recipe ebook contains a HUGE range of delicious chocolate recipes that you can create for Easter.

If you require some chocolate making ingredients, we have discounted packs that you can take advantage of;

Chocolate Making Ultimate Pack 

Chocolate Making Starter Pack

Below are even more recipes on our website that you can delve into;

Easter Chocolate Truffles

Homemade Chocolate

Snickers Slice

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Panforte

Chocolate Quinoa Cake

Hot Cross Bun ideas

Why reinvent the wheel when two trustworthy and inspiring women have created divine hot cross bun recipes for you all;

Nat Kringoudis’s Hot Cross Buns

Jo Whitton’s Hot Cross Buns from Quirky Cooking

You may like to buy your own traditional hot cross buns, which we suggest you purchase from your local bakery where you know and recognise all the ingredients.

Have a very happy and healthy Easter!!

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