Without exaggeration, the Fat Loss Protocol not only saved my life, but it changed my life from anything I have ever known. It was two years ago now that I stumbled across Cyndi O’Meara and this protocol. Although I had previously always been in the ‘ideal’ weight range, over the course of several years I gradually started to gain weight. Despite only eating food recognized as healthy and trying numerous weight loss programs, I continued to pile it on. It got to the point that I couldn’t even get off the lounge at night because my knees hurt so much! I looked into The Fat Loss Protocol and thought ‘why not give it a go?’ It arrived in the mail, I starting reading and found it daunting. It talked about preparing to change habits for life and never having some foods again! I took some time to read and reread the protocol over and over…and over. I decided to give myself the goal of getting through just 2 weeks of the program, then jumped in and haven’t looked back since.
Instant Relief and Life Changes
Within days of starting, my knees were pain free. I stopped clearing my throat all the time. I started waking up refreshed. I even stopped sweating at the drop of a hat! I observed changes from head to toe — bright white eyes to smooth, soft heels. Also during the protocol I became aware, for the first time, that I had an autoimmune disease; Hashimoto’s disease. Which was the likely cause for such dramatic weight gain. Hashimoto’s causes many symptoms and I had been suffering with many of them all my adult life. Once I started the protocol, they all vanished. Most importantly, I’ve gained an understanding of which foods don’t agree with me and I actually have no desire to eat them ever again (despite my initial panic at the thought of changing habits for life). Surprisingly, the foods I have to avoid are not the foods you would expect. A lot of socially deemed ‘healthy foods’ are not good for everyone, which is why generic nutrition advice doesn’t always cut it. This protocol helps you discover which foods are right for YOU, which is incredible really. My tastes have changed too, I get so much pleasure out of simple foods. I’ve also conquered emotional eating which, for anyone who struggles with this would understand, is a big hurdle. Just by applying the Changing Habits philosophy to my life, and following the protocol to the letter I no longer see food as a comfort or a time filler. I now have a really healthy relationship with food.
A New Lease on Life
Yet, the biggest overall change for me was a new lease on life… All my life I’ve found physical activities unappealing. Having mild asthma, breaking a sweat easily and tiring quickly, made it all quite discouraging. Now I can’t get enough! Even though you do minimal exercise during the protocol, I now have amazing stamina and energy. I love that I can tackle anything my kids want to do and they love that I am right there doing it with them. The last two years have been an incredible journey. I will never go back to my old way of life because I love feeling good too much to be tempted!