Immunologist Professor Katie Allen from the Murdoch Childrens Research
Institute says Australian children have the highest recorded rate of
food allergies in the world and warns the statistics could translate
into a wave of chronic diseases.
the announcement of these findings in April 2011. Allergies are
primarily a deterioration in the intelligence of the cells in the body.
The body over reacts to certain foods or chemicals and creates
undesirable effects including hyperactivity, skin rashes, stomach upsets
and even death.
Back in the 60s and 70s when I went to school, we all drank milk for morning tea, and meat pies and sandwiches were on the lunch menu, I didn’t know anyone who couldn’t eat peanuts or tree nuts; in fact, peanut butter sandwiches were a favourite and not banned in any schools I knew. I had one friend whose sister was a genetic coeliac (gluten intolerant), but apart from her, everyone ate wheat. Kids could eat what they wanted without fear of anaphylaxis or some allergic reaction or intolerance.
This month the Changing Habits free report is on Allergies, the report
discusses the epidemic of allergies in the last 10 years then gives
actions as to how to create more intelligence in the body and thus
reduce the sensitivities and allergies.
More then ever we need to clean up our diets and our environment and the
allergy report helps you on your journey to health and healing.To download the report, please click on the link at the top of the page.