Jun 7, 2018 | Gut Health, Health, Health Foods, Recipes |
The importance of looking after our gut has been thrown into the spotlight thanks to an explosion of studies into the role that our gut and its microbiome play in our overall health.It is comforting to know you are not alone if you are facing gut issues, and that...
May 29, 2018 | Body and Mind, Gut Health, Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
When I was asked to write about this topic, I didn’t realise that I had so many inbuilt, natural habits, formed over the years. These are not habits that I have to do and that I need to remind myself of, they simply come naturally without question or thought. While we...
May 11, 2018 | Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
Do you find grocery shopping a chore? Are you unsure what you should be buying to provide optimal nutrition for you and your family? Georgia Harding from Well Nourished shares her top tips for buying healthy groceries. They will also help you to spend less time...
May 10, 2018 | Health, Hormonal Issues |
You watch what you eat and what you use on your skin, but there is another batch of products you may use every day that could be detrimental to your health. We’re talking cleaning products.Being mindful of our exposure to harmful chemicals (or ‘counting our chemical...
May 8, 2018 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Body and Mind, Health |
We used to spend 100% of our time outdoors, now we spend 90% of our time indoors, and it is contributing to our lack of health and growing number of diseases. ‘Geomedicine’ explores the different areas of the outside environment and it’s effect on your body. The...