Apr 25, 2018 | Health, Healthy Eating, Recipes |
Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. The more sugar you eat, the more sugar your body craves – and it’s no surprise that it can be really hard to break the cycle. And it’s in so many foods, even those branded as ‘healthy’. Read this blog to find out where sugar is...
Apr 17, 2018 | Gut Health, Health |
Parasites have been around since human existence and you will never escape them completely. Humans are hosts to millions and millions of varying microorganisms including parasites, yeasts and bacteria. These microorganisms are living within you for a good reason, and...
Apr 13, 2018 | Health, Healthy Eating |
At the age of 14 I arrived home from school camp and declared to my mother that I was no longer going to eat animals. I was going to become a vegetarian.  I’m sure my mother didn’t know what to think, but she respected my wishes and when she served me a meal she just...
Apr 3, 2018 | Body and Mind, Health, Sleep |
In today’s world, we are constantly being stimulated by technology – from the moment we wake to the moment we try to get to sleep. Many clients, friends and family members have told me that they are being adversely affected by overstimulation – and...
Mar 29, 2018 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Gut Health, Health, Healthy Eating |
It is so important to look after our gut.  Ensuring we have the best possible balance of gut bacteria (microbiome) improves our immune function and ability to digest foods, increases the nutrients available and enhances cell communication. There are many factors that...