Mar 16, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
I’ve just partnered up with an associate of mine and her team at Outrageously Healthy . Their mission is to help as many people on the planet as possible, live their best life. One way they do this is by finding the most outrageously healthy experts to interview...
Mar 9, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
Vioxx a drug for arthritis, was withdrawn from sale in 2004. Next week is Arthritis week, if you are taking drugs for your arthritis perhaps you need to know the side affects and consult your doctor for lifestyle changes. Also read my report...
Mar 8, 2010 | Body and Mind, Healthy Eating, Medications/Vitamins |
AUSTRALIAN researchers have discovered native lemongrass is as potent as aspirin in relieving headaches and migraines, the Gold Coast Bulletin reports. Scientists at Griffith University looked at 30 plant species used by Indigenous Australians to see which stacked up...
Mar 2, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
Every week day and some weekends I sit down to read the latest research on food and health. It has become a habit and it vastly increases my knowledge base about food and nutrition. I then pick out the information that is important for the readers of...
Mar 2, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
A new study is raising fresh concerns about the safety of three of the most common over-the-counter painkillers. US researchers say men who regularly take aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen are twice as likely to suffer hearing problems as those who do not, and younger...