Sep 8, 2010 | Children's Health, Medications/Vitamins |
The following article points out that medications given to children are not as safe as you think. I am disturbed by the adverse reactions I have seen and heard of but what bothers me more than anything are the additives, such as saccharin, colours, flavours and...
Aug 2, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
I have always been wary about supplements that are not from a food source and have been made as a stand alone vitamin or mineral. And here now is yet more evidence that single dose vitamins or minerals are not the solution and have the potential to increase...
May 20, 2010 | Chemicals In Food, Medications/Vitamins |
What really goes into the preparation to cleanse our bowels before a colonoscopy. This was recently brought to my attention by a friend of mine. Cyndi: A very good friend Trish sent me this snippet of information. Trish: “Wasn’t sure if you were aware...
May 19, 2010 | Medications/Vitamins |
Are we, or rather, are YOU, a pill popper? Over the Easter break there were several news stories about the fact that we are a nation of pill poppers. The Weekend Australian magazine front story was on the deception of medication. So I thought this month it...
Apr 16, 2010 | Chemicals In Food, Medications/Vitamins |
Medical health professionals and public health experts in the United States say they are increasingly concerned by the routine use of human antibiotics on farms. They say the use of the drugs in the food and water of food animals results in antibiotic-resistant...