Back in the 1980’s when I was a young nutrition consultant the super nutrient of the time was vitamin C. It seemed everyone was taking it to improve their immune system or to ward off colds and flus. People would even mega dose to the point of diarrhea, this was all the rage for many ailments, including arthritis and heart disease, although it was not something that I advocated. Having said that I would read about how it was done and how to do it and respected the experts of the time.
Just 30 years on and I don’t hear the same advice and information about Vitamin C. It now forms a part of the supplements people take, increasing vitamin C intake when colds and flus are near.
Vitamin C, as it was called then, but in truth it is ascorbic acid and came in all forms, powder, capsules and tablets. Many companies said that they were pure but with my current knowledge of how capsules and tablets are produced I now know this to be far from the truth.
Back then, I purchased for my clients ascorbic acid in powder form, from a reputable vitamin company. Their ascorbic acid was touted as being the best as they added hesperidin and bioflavonoids to the mix so that the ascorbic acid could be absorbed and used by the body more efficiently, it was revolutionary. It had been discovered through research, that in order for the body to use ascorbic acid, then other components needed to be added to the mix. Since that time it is common knowledge that ascorbic acid is just one small part of the vitamin C complex the body requires for health.
Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a matrix of many natural compounds including co-enzymes, bioflavonoids and co factors which help the body not only absorb vitamin C but utilise it efficiently. All foods that contain vitamin C also have a mix of the three macro nutrients, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids. It is never found in nature isolated as ascorbic acid.
Laboratory made isolated ascorbic acid can never have the intelligence of nature based vitamin C. Even the scientist who isolated ascorbic acid knew this, he realised that foods were more powerful than any isolate and hunted the world looking for foods high in vitamin C – his search finally found the berry – Camu Camu.
There are many foods high in vitamin C including kakadu plum, camu camu, rosehip, acerola and baobab. Citrus fruits are the poor cousins to these amazing foods. While camu camu has approximately 23,000 mg per 100 gm of fruit, oranges have 50mg per 100gm of fruit. A vast difference in levels. Camu camu is one of the richest sources of natural vitamin C in the world and has grown abundantly along the Amazon River for centuries and that’s why we are making Organic Camu Camu part of our Changing Habits real food range.
Camu Camu – Vitamin C benefits
Real food rich in natural vitamin C.
Changing Habits Camu Camu contains around 460 times more natural vitamin C than an orange.
It is a natural berry, harvested and dehydrated by traditional methods to retain it’s high quality.
Camu Camu has been treated for many ailments including Viral infections, common cold & flu, eye conditions, chronic fatigues, headaches, depression, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis and much more.
Can assist with increase of energy, maintain healthy gums, eyes, skin and general health.