This is a beautiful film that shows an inspiring journey of Peter Proctor, whom many call the father of modern ‘biodynamics’, as he travels to India on a mission to help farmers who have been severely taken advantage of by Monsanto and its so-called ‘green revolution’. He travels to countless Indian farms and teaches them the ‘biodynamic’ principles of living self-sufficiently. You can’t help but feel called to plant your own garden after seeing this wonderfully inspiring film.
“After seeing this film, we immediately started a recycle bin and compost pile. So far, we’ve used the organic material in our garden and have had a great year of veggies. This is a great film and we have shared it with all our friends.”
– Lisa Lenhoff – Los Angeles, CA
Good health starts with good food, and good food starts with good soil. Weather we like it or not, it is a fact that our existence is inexplicably linked to the health of our planet and in particular the health of the soil.
This documentary is a fantastic account of one man’s efforts to help educate Indian farmers on the benefits of returning to traditional agricultural methods and save them from the horrors of multi-national agri-chemical companies.
5 Reasons Why You Should See This Film:
• To learn about the importance of biodynamic and organic agriculture
• To realize that your food choices make a real impact on the health of the planet
• To be introduced to a very special farmer with a special mission
• To learn that agri-chemical companies might not have your health at heart
• How returning farmers to natural methods holds great promise for the world
You might not be aware of the fact that many Indian farmers are committing suicide at an alarming rate. Why you might ask? Because agri-chemical companies are convincing them to buy GMO seeds and then up-sell them on the chemicals designed specifically for that crop.
This creates a large financial commitment and if the crop fails, which is often the case, the farmers are left in debt and see no other way out. This is never the case when seeds are collected free of charge from nature from the previous crop.
This film is a fantastic account of how even against the odds of the agri-business giants one man and a collection of committed individuals have helped change the face of farming in India for good.
This film will show you a new and positive reason why to choose organic and biodynamic foods. For the health of yourself and the planet share this film and this message with those you love.
The more we educate our selves the better our choices will be for not only ourselves and our families but for earth. To find out more about the film and purchase click here