Dec 16, 2018 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
As 2018 draws to a close, I have noticed the familiar ‘festive spirit’ kicking in, which is a beautiful thing to see! It’s such a magical time of year and I hope you’re all enjoying it!I know that many of you have some big health and weight loss goals to kick in 2019,...
Oct 16, 2018 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
Wow, what an amazing response we have had to our latest Fat Loss Challenge! It’s been wonderful to see so many new faces in our private Facebook groups, and to see all the incredible support and advice offered by our experienced group members!Given our recent influx...
Aug 7, 2018 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
Starting any diet or lifestyle program can be daunting, especially when you have a large amount of weight to lose. Trust me, having started my journey at 122kgs, I am all too familiar with the feeling of overwhelm and trepidation as you set your sights on a seemingly...
Jun 12, 2018 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
When we think about losing weight, it’s easy to focus on the visually evident possibilities – what will I look like? What size clothes will I be able to wear? Will this pesky muffin-top disappear?But what other benefits can we expect when we shift some extra kilos?...
May 15, 2018 | Changing Habits Programs |
So there you were, coasting along perfectly in the Fat Loss Protocol, when all of a sudden, “OOPS!” – an off-limits food or beverage item ‘accidentally’ made its way into your mouth.Be it a handful of nuts, a lick of ice cream, a packet of biscuits or a glass of...