Feb 20, 2018 | Changing Habits Programs |
‘Inflammation’ seems to be quite the buzz word of late. But what exactly is inflammation, and why is fighting it key to overall health and successful weight loss?Each and every food that we put in our mouth has the ability to fight or feed disease. It is generally...
Jan 2, 2018 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
Have you ever worked hard to change your diet and lifestyle to lose those pesky extra kilos, only to find them creeping back on – and bringing some extra ‘friends’ with them?! It seems you are not alone.An estimated 80% of people who have successfully lost...
Nov 2, 2017 | Changing Habits Programs, Children's Health, Health, Health Foods |
I’ve changed my habits – but what about my kids?You’ve made some healthy changes yourself, but what about your family? Where once you may have thought of your children’s diet as relatively healthy, you now look at it from a whole new and informed perspective, and see...
Aug 24, 2017 | The Fat Loss Protocol |
It was 2011. My highest known weight was 122kgs. I say highest ‘known’ weight because I stopped weighing after this point. I was morbidly obese, I felt sick and depressed. I didn’t have the energy to play with my children. I had high blood pressure and was...