Mar 6, 2018 | Health, Vitamins/minerals, Weight Issues |
If you are a regular on our private Changing Habits Protocols Facebook page you may notice that some of the same questions keep popping up over and over. Below are some of the more common questions and concerns – hopefully you will find some useful information...
Feb 6, 2018 | Health Foods, Healthy Eating, Vitamins/minerals |
The importance of iodine has not gone unrecognised. In 1924, iodised salt was introduced into the United States to correct deficiencies to avoid numerous diseases, with Australia following through with this idea not long after. Iodine was one of the first trace...
Dec 14, 2017 | Chemicals In Food, Healthy Eating, Vitamins/minerals |
I’m a nutritionist, traveller and explorer, constantly seeking more information on food and nutrition. That’s why I was honoured to spend 4 educational, inspirational days at Wise Traditions 2017 – a conference celebrating the love of natural foods,...
Jul 18, 2017 | Diets, Gut Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating, Vitamins/minerals |
I wish I discovered my zinc deficiency earlier, as it made that much of a difference to my life. After a lot of healing many years ago, my health improved, however after I discovered zinc, everything got a whole lot better. My concentration increased, I became even...
Aug 9, 2016 | Body and Mind, Education, Fitness, Gut Health, Healthy Eating, Vitamins/minerals |
Former Australian volleyball player Nicole Hannan (facing) with team mate Natalie Cook (Photo courtesy of FIVB)As we’re in the midst of the Olympics, I thought it would be useful to share some nutritional insights from an Olympian.This week I chatted with Nicole...