Jun 7, 2016 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
I am privileged to say that I was the lucky one. Yes, the lucky one because I got to purchase the first packet of Inca Inchi Salted Seeds in the whole of the Changing Habits community and staff. YES! I admit, I am in love. I parted with peanuts many years ago, when I...
Sep 16, 2015 | Health Foods |
Many people I consult with say they don’t have the time to make breakfast, let alone make a green juice.Back when I was studying at university for my exams, whenever I had any doubts about the correct answer I would usually answer it with ‘Leafy Greens’. If we were...
Jul 9, 2014 | Body and Mind, Hormonal Issues, Medications/Vitamins |
Almost all women these days are on that little, though powerful ‘pill’. It is rarer for someone not to be on the pill, then to be on the pill. Yes, okay- it is convenient in many ways, though it is extremely damaging to a woman’s health. Once I realised this quite...
Mar 26, 2014 | Chemicals In Food, Fitness |
Cyndi was given this convenient sized sports energy gel at the end of her Mooloolaba Triathlon race, that athletes are meant to consume before, during or after exercise. Quite frankly, we wouldn’t want to put it near our skin, let alone ingest it. Here’s...