May 4, 2015 | Changing Habits Programs, Healthy Eating, The Fat Loss Protocol, Weight Issues |
This week I’ve asked a Changing Habits customer – Christine Pascoe – to be a guest blogger. I met Christine at one of my speaking events four years ago. I’m sure you’ll enjoy her story….Cyndi. My life changed four years ago when I attended ‘A Day with Cyndi O’Meara’...
Apr 13, 2015 | Chemicals In Food, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
I’ve been receiving many questions on Facebook and by email regarding natvia, so I thought it was time to do some research and look into this new sweetener which is being heavily marketed through the media. What is natvia? Natvia is a blend of erythritol and stevia....
Apr 7, 2015 | Gut Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
As we live in a society that has pesticides, preservatives in our food supply and antibiotics that have been regularly prescribed by medical practitioners, our guts are being cleaned out of good bacteria, which are critical for our health. These good bacteria help us...
Mar 31, 2015 | Diets, Healthy Eating |
Hi Jamie Let me start by saying welcome to Australia. I love your work. I especially love your recent worldwide petition to ask governments to start teaching about food and cooking in schools. I signed the petition and I agree whole-heartedly. When I went to school in...
Mar 25, 2015 | Diets, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
Last week I was asked to be on an expert panel Q&A at the preview screening of That Sugar Film at Event Cinemas in Brisbane. There were two cinemas running the event 30 minutes apart. The Q&A session went for 30 minutes in the first cinema and then Damon...