Jul 3, 2013 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Body and Mind |
My son came home from Canada a few months ago, he was about to turn 24 and was showing signs of male pattern baldness.  What hope does he have?  He has a father, and  two grandfathers that are bald as well as his two uncles.  There seemed to be no hair on the heads of...
Jun 26, 2013 | Gut Health, Healthy Eating, Medications/Vitamins |
Gut flora plays a key role in nutrition and the immune system. With the surge in antibiotics for every ailment and could be ailment (just in case) by the average person, the average gut flora has become a key problem in most peoples health and immune issues for...
Jun 4, 2013 | Healthy Eating |
Once again it’s flu season and once again the flu shot is being touted as your defense against the flu. I’m not even going to get into whether the flu shot works or not but what I’d like to make you aware of is the additives in a flu shot. I for one don’t feed...
May 30, 2013 | Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
We are so excited to launch Inca Inchi Oil. I know it has been a much anticipated product and one that has taken us a while to have available. Like all my products, it is through the constant research of finding nutrient dense foods that lead me to this wonderful...
Jan 17, 2013 | Healthy Eating, Hormonal Issues, The Nutrition Academy |
In this day and age it’s easy to become a vegetarian; people are more knowledgeable and the soy industry has created numerous products to enable vegetarians to obtain their daily protein. From the humble soy bean we have soy flour, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy sauce,...