Apr 9, 2019 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Body and Mind, Health |
Is it just me or is everyone feeling pulled by the arguments of different splinter groups as to what is actually the root cause of the growing number of chronic health concerns? Are we in a ‘root cause soup’? On Up For A Chat, we interviewed Alexx Stuart...
Mar 26, 2019 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Changing Habits Real Foods, Education, Health, Medications/Vitamins |
My husband came home the other day with an article from Time magazine titled Why Food Could Be the Best Medicine of All.It’s a fabulous article recognising food to be medicine and more powerful than drugs; as a good friend who is also a scientist said to me; ‘We...
Mar 11, 2019 | Body and Mind, Changing Habits Programs, Changing Habits Real Foods, Health, The Nutrition Academy |
Nutrition has always been my love. Not only do I love to eat good food, but I also love learning about food and nutrition. I didn’t agree with what I was taught at university when it came to nutrition and I have always gone against the grain dismissing margarine, low...
Feb 26, 2019 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Chemicals In Food, Food Labelling, Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
In my last blog I talked about the ingredients commonly found in the store bought condiments that may be lurking in your pantry and which may impact your health. I also talked about the food industry, specifically how these ingredients are made, their original sources...
Feb 12, 2019 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Chemicals In Food, Food Labelling, Health Foods |
I had the opportunity to clean out a pantry and fridge of one of my swimming buddies late last year. He felt that the family was eating well but he wanted me to check. The bottled and packaged foods that filled much of his pantry and fridge were condiments like...