Dec 11, 2012 | Healthy Eating |
Christmas is a hard time of year to stick to any eating regime, but the changing habits lifestyle is a great one to stick to around this time of year due to the fact I do have a cheating chapter in my book, but also when you feel good and have been feeling great all...
Nov 21, 2012 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Changing Habits Programs |
I’ve been speaking for nearly 15 years, travelling not only around Australia but other parts of the world. Over the last couple of years in particular there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people telling me that they have been diagnosed with Hashimotos or other...
Nov 20, 2012 | Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
As far back in history we can go humans have been eating seafood, both from fresh water streams and the ocean.  Some cultures rely very heavily on fish in order to survive even today. Fish as far as authorities go has never really lost favour as a good reliable...
Nov 14, 2012 | Medications/Vitamins |
In the late 1950’s a sedative drug used to treat morning sickness in pregnancy called thalidomide caused a horrific drug disaster whose emblematic images of limbless and handicapped babies born to distraught mothers linger to this day. The United States Congress swung...
Nov 13, 2012 | Fats, Healthy Eating, The Nutrition Academy |
Our body is a fat machine, all our cells have fat, our brain is made up of fat, we carry fats in our blood stream to make hormones and vitamin D as well as other important communicators, we use fat for storage for the lean times. We not only use fat for storage but...