Dec 5, 2014 | Body and Mind |
I’m often asked what sunscreen I use and what did I use on my children when they were young and in the sun? Personally, I don’t use any commercial sunscreen unless it’s an emergency and I’m out in the sun without cover and I have none of my own sunscreen or a natural...
Nov 25, 2014 | Body and Mind |
I was reading through an article called ’22 Habits of Unhappy People’ recently and decided that I’d rather know the 22 Habits of Happy People, so I turned each of the habits around. As a result, Carren Smith and Kim Morrison, my Up For A Chat co hosts...
Oct 27, 2014 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Body and Mind, Healthy Eating |
What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and try the Changing Habits Real Food Reset Program. Also supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics, Inca Inchi Protein and Greens. Invest in the Changing Habits seaweed salt and...
Oct 27, 2014 | Body and Mind, Changing Habits Programs, Healthy Eating |
What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended. Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidal Minerals, Probiotics, Inca Inchi and Greens. Invest in the Changing Habits Seaweed Salt and Rapadura Sugar to use in place of...
Oct 27, 2014 | Body and Mind, Diets, Healthy Eating, Medications/Vitamins |
What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics and Greens Reports Recommended – The Alkaline Diet Gluten Sensitivity Lying Labels Arthritis is a group...