Apr 3, 2018 | Body and Mind, Health, Sleep |
In today’s world, we are constantly being stimulated by technology – from the moment we wake to the moment we try to get to sleep. Many clients, friends and family members have told me that they are being adversely affected by overstimulation – and...
Jan 2, 2018 | Body and Mind, Healthy Eating |
Mindful eating is a new concept… until processed foods came along, there wasn’t a need to eat mindfully. For thousands of years, foods were always natural – not tampered with, not genetically modified, and free of dubious additives. Today, eating...
Nov 9, 2017 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Body and Mind, Chemicals In Food, Gut Health |
Sometimes when you chat to people about their health, they often say that they can’t change because of their genes replying ‘My Mum’s overweight, so that’s why I’m heavy too, it’s in my genes’ or ‘My dad had a heart attack at 45, so now I’m prone to heart...
Sep 12, 2017 | Body and Mind, Health, Health Benefits |
Do you have frequent pains in your body, such as headaches, aches and pains, hay fever, fatigue, anxiety, skin rashes and inflammation? What if these pains and symptoms in your body, were actually a way for your body to communicate with you. It has been ingrained...
Aug 29, 2017 | Body and Mind, Gut Health, Health, Health Benefits, Healthy Eating, Pregnancy |
If you and your partner are wanting to have children, there are many steps that both of you can take to ensure your bodies are in optimal health to prepare for pregnancy. The environment of both parents during pre-conception can lead to changes in gene expression...