Nov 24, 2015 | Body and Mind, Education |
It’s that time of the year. Christmas is just around the corner, social calendars are overflowing with invitations and end-of-year concerts and celebrations, relatives are making plans to get together and school holidays are nearly upon us.Although I absolutely love...
Nov 3, 2015 | Chemicals In Food, Diets, Education, Food Labelling, Medications/Vitamins, The Nutrition Academy |
I’m often asked about vitamin supplements and whether I advise people to take them or not – but it’s always important to know exactly what is in these supplements. I take a look at two popular supplements here – Centrum and Berocca. Centrum Centrum is a...
Sep 29, 2015 | Changing Habits Programs, Education |
By guest blogger, Elspeth Haswell-Smith My life changed when I started my journey for optimal health. I experienced anxiety, depression, dramatic weight fluctuations, a hormonal rollercoaster, and a sprinkle of some health expressions that were just plain annoying. As...
Sep 23, 2015 | Body and Mind, Children's Health, Education, Health Foods |
Some days I literally get goosebumps when I hear someone’s story about how they have transformed their health or someone gets in touch with me to tell me that I’ve made a difference in their life. It’s why I seek the truth about food, where it comes from, and what it...
Aug 26, 2015 | Body and Mind, Diets, Education, Healthy Eating, Weight Issues |
We hear lots of heartening stores from amazing people who have benefited from our research, information, protocols and products – but Kelli’s story is nothing short of inspiring. We hope you enjoy reading Kelli’s moving story as much as we have. Happy Changing...