Dec 4, 2018 | Changing Habits Programs, Diets, Healthy Eating, Weight Issues |
I was at a party recently. There were many women there around my age. This is the time when the middle-age spread sets in, and for many at the party, it had begun. There were also complaints of sore knees and hips, as well as not having enough energy and other...
Nov 27, 2018 | The Healthy Keto Way |
At The Nutrition Academy we base the nutrition course on two overarching principles; the first is taking an historical and anthropological perspective of nutrition, and the second is the philosophy of vitalism (as opposed to mechanism). I’d like to address the...
Nov 20, 2018 | Allergies/Food Sensitivities, Auto-Immune Diseases, Chemicals In Food, Health, Health Foods |
My article on the coeliac vaccine (you can read it here) seems to have pushed a lot of buttons. Mostly people who had children or loved ones with the autoimmune disease, or were suffering themselves, were angry at my opinion. It’s not easy to have coeliac disease...
Nov 13, 2018 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
The vegan movement seems to be growing, and with it I’m seeing a slew of products that are marked as vegan. Fake honey, fake meat, fake hamburgers, fake cheese…the list is endless. What is Vegan Honey? Vegan honey may not be what is seems. It’s worth thinking...
Nov 6, 2018 | Allergies/Food Sensitivities, Auto-Immune Diseases, Chemicals In Food, Gut Health, Health Foods |
I read recently that human clinical trials are beginning for a new vaccine for coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is one of 80 plus autoimmune diseases. Coeliac disease (CD) may affect up to 1 in 70 people. This disease is believed to be unique in that the inflammation...