Nov 12, 2019 | Children's Health, Gut Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
I was invited to go on a business trip to the Solomon Islands by Kirsty Wirth, founder of Kultured Wellness. Kirsty is working with a company called Kokonut Pacific, run from the Solomon Islands but owned by an Australian business.When oil is pressed out of the...
Sep 10, 2019 | Chemicals In Food, Food Labelling, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
Let’s talk milk and all things dairy and non-dairy. But before I start, I want you to know that I believe moo dairy is, inherently, a great food for humans – it’s what we’ve done to this food that is the problem. For many, many years, ancient tribes (think...
Aug 13, 2019 | Body and Mind, Education, Health, Medications/Vitamins |
That’s right I’m worthless…absolutely worthless to the pharmaceutical companies because I’ve never taken a medication in my life. Let me tell you how I’ve managed to be worthless to these billion dollar profit companies. And for those that may scoff at this...
Jun 11, 2019 | Chemicals In Food, Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating |
When I studied nutrition at university in the early 80’s salt was a danger due to its relationship to hypertension. So, every food manufacturer declared ‘LOW TO NO SALT’. By the mid 80’s, fat became a major concern and every food manufacture declared...
Apr 16, 2019 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Chemicals In Food, Health |
When I started to notice health issues as a result of my own consumption of wheat, I started to investigate further. Little did I know 8 years ago when I started to research this ancient grain what I would uncover – and what I now know, I cannot unknow. And, despite...