May 12, 2020 | Chemicals In Food, Food Labelling, Health, Healthy Eating, Medications/Vitamins |
I was researching vegan collagen (which is an oxymoron in itself) and I went down a rabbit hole that scares me to the core. Let me explain. Synthetic biology, bioengineering, bio-design and biotechnology are just some of the names that are being used to describe the...
Apr 7, 2020 | Changing Habits Real Foods, Chemicals In Food, Health, Health Foods, Sleep, The Nutrition Academy |
“We do not fear the unknown; we fear what we think we know about the unknown.” Professor Chris ExleyI feel like I have been working toward self-sufficiency all my life. My health has always been my responsibility and in times like this I know why. Food has always been...
Mar 10, 2020 | Diets, Health, Health Foods, Healthy Eating, Weight Issues |
Many people try, and fail at, diets. A common story is people sticking to a diet for six weeks or so, losing some weight, and then going back to their old ways, believing that they won’t regain the weight. Delusion sets in thinking that they can do the same...
Feb 11, 2020 | Auto-Immune Diseases, Changing Habits Real Foods, Chemicals In Food, Children's Health, Food Labelling, Health, Healthy Eating, Medications/Vitamins, Vitamins/minerals |
As a young mum some 30 years ago, I was very strict about what my children consumed, not only when it came to food, but also when it came to education (I home-schooled for a time), television (no internet back then) and games (just the Game Boy). My three children...
Jan 14, 2020 | Changing Habits Programs, Children's Health, Diets, Education, Health, Healthy Eating, Weight Issues |
I spoke at a public event recently and afterwards, there were a lot of people who came to ask for help. I could have been there for hours consulting people.The last two people I met were sisters. One of the sisters had dragged the other to the event. The first sister...