Bad Medicine- Movie
Cardiff University psychiatrist Dr. David Healy says evidence-based medicine and industry-controlled drug trials are leading to an over reliance and unnecessary treatment by prescription. As part of TVO’s Mental Health Matters coverage, he joins Steve Paikin from The Agenda to detail what he sees as the growing pharmaceuticalisation of medicine. 13 minute interview. I like […]
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements – To Take or Not To Take [Updated 2021]
As a young nutrition student I was taught that even though the vitamin or mineral is made in a laboratory, there is no difference between the vitamins and minerals found in food and the synthetic version made in a chemical laboratory. This statement never ever sat well with me, but as a young 22 year […]
Healing Cancer World
Meet the Doctors, Nutritionists and Advocates Who Say Cancer May Be Treated Successfully and Naturally – Without Excessive Use of Drugs, Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy. Our very own Jessica Ainscough is part of this summit. Jessica was diagnosed with a rare cancer when she was 22, she stopped all conventional medicine when the cancer returned […]
Low Vitamin D may not be about Day light but rather about Darkness
When you consider that we started using fire 1.8 million years ago our evolutionary biology had time to adapt to the extra light at night by the fire emitted, but it is just under 100 years since the electrical light bulb came into existence, changing our sleep patterns forever. More so the invention of television, […]
Fortification of Our Foods – Protein Powders, Supplements and Food
Supplement sales in Australia are a multi-million dollar industry, growing at a fast rate. And that’s a good thing – right? Well let’s really look into this and see if it is good for the health of the nation. 95% of the supplements on the shelves are combinations of synthetically made vitamins and mined minerals […]
To drink milk or not to drink milk?
It was first believed that milk drinking began in dairy farming communities in northern Europe. Through a process of natural selection to compensate for vitamin D deficiencies due to a lack of daylight, communities in northern Europe were believed to have undergone a genetic mutation which enabled them to produce the enzyme lactase necessary to […]
Pyroluria – A Zinc and Vitamin B6 Deficiency
Pyroluria. What is it, how do you know you may have it and how can you help treat it?PyroluriaPyroluria, (originally known as malvaria) and also known as kryptopyrroluria, is a chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis. People who have this...
Genetics Vs. Environment
It has been an interesting 10 days on “changing habits” facebook. I’ve posed questions about certain pictures I posted. The questions were about whether the cause of death or deformity in animals and humans was genetic or environment. You can go back and look at the answers to all the questions and there is a […]
The Food that makes billions- Breakfast Cereals
The Foods That Make Billions – Cereals At last the documentary about breakfast cereals is now available free on You Tube. This is a wonderful documentary about the machine behind breakfast cereals and how they have become something that is thought to be a healthy breakfast for many westerners. Bee Wilson is one of the […]
Fish Oil Isn’t Fish Oil.
I have always been about real foods. Even supplements need to be made from real food, so fish oil came under the category as a supplement that comes from a food source. As always I assumed ethics in the industry, but as the industry has grown the ethics for this product have gone in the […]
Wellness Warrior Blog- A True inspirational Story
Last month I recommended an e book by Jessica Ainscough. Jessica was diagnosed with a rare sarcoma (cancer) at 22. She writes a fabulous blog and this month marked her 2 year quest to naturally rid herself of cancer. I have asked her permission to reproduce her heart warming anniversary blog. 8760 glasses of juice […]
The Autism Enigma
A couple of weeks ago on 4 Corners The Autism Enigma Documentary was aired. This is a documentary that was filmed in the US, Canada and UK. The program bought up more questions for me with regards to the growing incidence of Autism. So I went searching and found some astounding research that may be […]
Paleo Diet and Lifestyle
The Paleo Diet is getting a lot of airplay, especially in the US and there is a ground swell happening in Australia the UK and New Zealand. Basically the Paleo diet is meats, fish, greens and vegetables. Then there are many versions on the theme. Some say fruit can be included others nuts and seeds, […]
From Fabels to Labels- Movie
This 13 minute video is an insight into how relaxed and misleading labelling laws can be. Urvashi Rangan an environmental house scientist and mother who works for consumer reports started looking into the labelling system both from a professional and personal perspective in the US with some alarming findings. She explains how labels such as […]
Supplements Aren’t What They Seem!
This month I was alerted via my facebook page CHANGING HABITS about a supplement company that had added hydrogenated vegetable oil, soy oil and vanillin to their pregnancy vitamin and mineral supplement. Julie Yuen one of the followers on the page alerted me to it. There was quite a conversation with 95 comments about the […]
If You Had the Gene for Testicular Cancer Would You Have Your Testicles Removed?
I was updating my talk recently and decided as part of my talk that I would discuss this issue of genetics vs environment with the gene for breast cancer. So I was researching and found quite a few articles on young women removing their breasts because they had been told that they had the gene […]