Painkillers taken like lollies can be linked to hearing loss – They are not just innocent little white pills that make you feel better, they have side affects.

A new study is raising fresh concerns about the safety of three of the most common over-the-counter painkillers. US researchers say men who regularly take aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen are twice as likely to suffer hearing problems as those who do not, and younger men are most at risk.   The researchers tracked the health […]

Interval exercise Vs. exercise

Interval exercise is good but so is incidental.  Incidental exercise is when you walk the stairs rather then take the elevator, park your car at the back of the car park and walk to the mall, walk to the corner store rather then drive, vacuum with vigour rather then boredom, run up the stairs rather […]

Sunscreen’s zinc factor ends up in blood!

Sunscreen’s zinc factor ends up in blood   PEOPLE who use a lot of sunscreen could be at risk of having “larger than normal” quantities of zinc in their bloodstream, with new evidence showing zinc particles penetrate the skin and are absorbed into the body.   Geochemist Brian Gulson, of Sydney’s Macquarie University, has provided […]

Fast foods down for the calorie count

Fast food outlets in Victoria may have to offer a calorie count on their products under a state government plan to fight diabetes.   Victorian Premier John Brumby has ordered an inquiry into the effects of consuming fast food, the Herald Sun newspaper said.   He plans to introduce a program, similar to one in […]

Coffee Vs. Nana Naps.

Taking a “nana nap” in the middle of the day has been proved more beneficial than a cup of coffee for concentration and efficiency.   Researchers at the University of California San Diego found memory test results proved the same benefit applies if you have a 90-minute daytime nap to a full night’s sleep.   […]

Recent Findings: the facts about cereal nutrition for children

Interesting about the advertising and marketing of breakfast cereals to children. Cyndi O’Meara Cereal companies worldwide speak to children early through everything from TV advertising and product placement on their favourite foods and clothing to the DVD’s they watch and the games they play. Their campaigns are aggressive, direct and most dangerously they captivate children’s […]

Hottest Food Trends for 2010

Each year we like to dust off the crystal ball and predict what will be the “hottest” trends for food for 2010, so here are our Top 7 predictions for the coming year:   1. Food lanes We profiled this trend last issue and will begin to see them unveiled in coming developments. Food Lanes […]

Allergies and Gluten Intolerance

Allergies and Gluten Intolerance What Cyndi Recommends:Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended. Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics and Greens. For more details, visit our shop here.  Reports Recommended: The Growing Epidemic Of Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances Why Are We So Gluten Intolerant? To purchase our reports click […]

Whooping cough vaccine may need to change, and I’m wondering how many more vaccinated diseases are beginning to mutate.

Whooping cough vaccine may need to change, say researchers. THE bacteria that causes whooping cough in Australia has mutated, scientists have warned, eroding the protection provided by the vaccine now given to children. Researchers from the University of New South Wales have identified significant changes in the two most common strains of the Bordetella pertussis […]

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