Pill Poppers- Movie

My father was a pharmacist early in his career, but realised that medicine was not always helping his clients, especially when a concoction was being taken.  He left pharmacy to become a chiropractor. By the time I was born he decided that unless we were in a life threatening situation he would not give his […]

Fire Water – Movie of the Month

FIRE WATER: Australia’s Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace http://www.firewaterfilm.com     The above link will take you to Fire Water. It is a free movie and is well worth watching. The information contained in it will make you go out and buy your self a water filter then send the bill to your own State Premier. I […]

Biphenol A in our food

A couple of weeks ago on facebook I asked everyone to let me know when they opened a can of food, to see if it was lined with plastic. The plastic is most likely may have Bisphenol A (BPA) within it. We’ve created a spread sheet about our findings.  This is a work in progress […]

The bored immune system.

When I first heard the term Bored Immune System, I was absolutely shocked that anyone would think that an immune system could become bored, I actually thought that the speaker I was listening to had just made it up. The speaker was a professor of immunology answering a question about the increase in allergy rates […]


Immunologist Professor Katie Allen from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute says Australian children have the highest recorded rate of food allergies in the world and warns the statistics could translate into a wave of chronic diseases.   It’s very appropriate that this week is Allergy week in Australia after the announcement of these findings in […]

Coconut Oil has so many benefits!

“I was called by Channel 9’s A Current Affair last month to see what I thought about Coconut Oil.  They wanted to know if I was a nutritionist that believed coconut oil was good for our health.  There concern was that coconut oil is 94% saturated fat. Here is a link to the story ACA […]

Vegan Diets- Just a Fad?

The vegan or vegetarian diet has become a fad, young people are proud that they have taken the moral or health stand not to consume any meat or animal product.  Whole families are also making the move to change their diet from a conventional one to no more meat. I was 14 and young and […]

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