Breakfast Cereals – To Eat or Not to Eat

I’m always a little wary when I see an industry body funding a meta analysis of the scientific literature or providing funds for a research project on the food they make their money from. Recently, the Australian Breakfast Cereal Manufacturers Forum, who are made up of Carmans, Freedom Foods, Nestle, Kellogg and Sanitarium and who […]

Isagenix and Herbalife: What Do I Think?

Isagenix and Herbalife: What Do I Think?

What Do I Think About Isagenix or Herbalife? Isagenix, Herbalife or the latest greatest slimming protein and supplement powders seem to be sold on great stories and dubious science. At the moment, Isagenix seems to be the latest and greatest and many people are using Isagenix because firstly, it can make you a lot of […]

Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases

‘Allergy Pill’ was on ABC’s Catalyst show recently, with new research revealing that the ulcer causing gut bacteria H Pylori could help prevent allergies. Although not specifically related to H Pylori, the book titled ‘An Epidemic of Absence – A New Way of Understanding Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases’ by Moises Velasquez-Manoff talks about this whole […]

Heart Disease and High Cholesterol

What Cyndi Recommends  Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and try the Changing Habits Real Food Reset Program. Also supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics, Inca Inchi Protein and Greens. Invest in the Changing Habits seaweed salt and rapadura sugar to use in place of refined foods.  The Cholesterol Scam “The cholesterol hypothesis can […]

Arthritis and Gout

What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics and Greens Reports Recommended – The Alkaline Diet Gluten Sensitivity Lying Labels Arthritis is a group name for around 100 conditions affecting the joints in the body. These conditions cause damage to the joints […]


What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended. Begin on the Changing Habits 21 Step Reset Program. Then move onto the Changing Habits 4 Phase Fat Elimination Protocol. Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidals, Probiotics and Greens. Invest in the Changing Habits seaweed salt and rapadura sugar to use […]

Depression and Anxiety

What Cyndi Recommends Read Changing Habits Changing Lives and the reports recommended. Supplement your diet with the Changing Habits Colloidal Minerals, Probiotics, Inca Inchi and Greens. Invest in the Changing Habits Seaweed Salt and Rapadura Sugar to use in place of refined foods. Reports Recommended Depression Drinking Soft Drinks Declutter Lying Labels Just think about […]

Houston, We Have A Problem

I was privileged to speak to 400+ women recently on the Sunshine Coast and they were for the most part, women who did not know me or know my message. I talked about getting back to real foods.  Getting rid of breakfast cereals, modified milks, additive laced bread, additive laden margarine, Vegemite, plastic cheese sandwiches, […]

ABC Catalyst – Gut Reaction Part 2

ABC Catalyst series – Gut Reaction Part 2 (Thurs 21 Aug). Could our food be making us sick – very sick? In the second episode of this two-part special, Dr Graham Phillips revealed new research about the interplay between food and the bacteria deep within our guts. I watched this series and thought it was […]

A beautiful letter to me.

Through this letter, Elizabeth Shelton, owner of ‘You Can Make a Difference’, really touched Cyndi’s heart. She has been a member of the Healthy Living Club for a while now and is an example of how much Cyndi’s passion and never ending knowledge inspires people to change their life and give them hope. Elizabeth, as […]

How to use Organic Dulse Flakes.

We are realising everyday how easy it is to incorporate dulse into our diet, and sneak it into some as well! We couldn’t help but share these with you.  If you have fussy eaters surrounding you and you are scared to sneak it in dishes, don’t be. We have had times where we are booming […]

Is a Vegetarian Diet the Healthiest?

Did you know I was once a vegetarian? Vegan, raw vegan, vegetarian, macrobiotic, paleo, Ayurvedic, Inuit, hunter gather, specific carbohydrate diet, low fat, high protein, high fat, high carbohydrate, periodic fasting, juicing etc.  I believe there are more diets around at the moment then there are people in Australia.  I have a respect for every […]

Top 6 Foods to Avoid!

The following an article I wrote for Smart Healthy Women, enjoy! Health foods are everywhere. There are low-fat, low-calorie, sugar-free and diet options of all our traditional foods. With such a highly saturated health food market, it can be confusing to know what is good for us and what will help us achieve our health […]

Microwaves, to use or not to use!

The following is a snippet from my Changing Habits Changing Lives book. Modern day technology has changed the world our grandparents knew.  We have so many things in our lives that save time: washing machines, dishwashers, cars, ovens, microwaves and this list goes on. I have to ask, if all these time saving devices are […]

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