Easter, Easter, Easter
Creating the last health change you will ever do
I travel Australia and the globe, speaking not only in regional areas but large cities and no matter where I go I hear the same story, many with tears flowing as they’re told. Usually it’s a mother who has children with either allergies, asperger’s, autism, hyperactivity disorder, asthma or bizarre disease I’ve not heard about. […]
Autoimmunity- Our Biggest Health Problem.
I was talking to my very wise, healthy 84 year old Dad over the weekend who quoted Earl Nightingale. “The opposite of success is not failure but conformity”. It really hit home to me as so many times we conform and fail with health, rather than stepping out of what everyone else is doing and […]
Can Menopause be Alleviated through Diet?
How Food Effects Joint Pain
Have you noticed that many weekend warriors, elite athletes and people who love to get into the great outdoors seem to be plagued with injuries. Is it over use – RSI, is it getting old, is it too much training or could it be the food you eat that is causing unexplained joint and muscle […]
Protein Powders- Not another supplement story
My past few articles/blogs have concentrated on supplements, so far we’ve looked at how are supplements made, what is in them, what is the difference between synthetic and natural and how to identify them, how to read a supplement label and what are capsules, tablets and gel caps made from and all the fillers that […]
The Importance of Natural Sugars for the Human Body.
Emerging Technologies are changing the way we live our lives. Out of the 10 top new emerging technologies around the world, three have to do with the human body and our health. These are not the latest you beaut machines to save lives, they are completely new technologies that will transform medicine and health.  […]
Perfect Ingredients to Make Your Green Smoothy
I have been doing green smoothies for a while now, though there seems to be an exciting buzz around them lately so I thought I’d share with you my version. Green smoothies are the best way to get all your required nutrients tightly packed into one cup. You can have these at any time of […]
Inca Inchi Oil- A Substitute for Fish Oil
Last month I talked about the fish oil industry and created quite an uproar. For me as I was researching the information I was also in an uproar. Something that I thought was a good quality product has been bastardised and made out to be something it was not. Don’t get me wrong fish oil […]
The benefits of soaking and activating your nuts and seeds, it’s never been so easy!
You have to admit that our lives run at a pretty hectic pace, and it’s getting even faster. Food is usually something we grab on the run and shovel down our throats as quickly as possible. Sometimes, we don’t even have time to chew our food properly. But I’m here to tell you that it’s […]
Natural Sunscreen Recipe- No More Chemicals Needed!
A fabulous easy to make natural sunscreen. No more chemicals needed! INGREDIENTS 6 tablespoons coconut oil 1 tablespoon beeswax 4 tablespoons zinc oxide powder METHOD Melt ingredients in double boiler Cool quick to homogenise paste Done! Another prevention, put the gelatinous portion of aloe vera into your smoothie. This internally prevents sunburn or moreover instantly […]
Eat Yourself Smart – Brain Training Through Diet
Chances are, when we think of brain training the first things that spring to mind are mental arithmetic, Sudoku, training apps and exercises. While mental stimulation does have a lot to do with boosting our brain power, nutrition cannot be overlooked. Nutrition is often underestimated in its influence on future disease but the fact […]
Rice Bran Oil- Is It really all that good?
Many people ask me about rice bran oil. I am somewhat very puzzled by the terminology. In all grains there are similar parts. The germ of the grain is what holds all the oil to feed the plant that grows and to give us (that eat it) the nutrition, most germ is taken out of […]
Healthy Food and Travelling
I’m often asked how to eat healthy and eat foods that I like when I travel. In fact I was at a Thermomix cooking class and one of my customers asked me again. Now that I’m the monthly blogger it’s time for me to answer this question. By the way if you have any topics […]
Cyndi’s Youtube Cooking Videos
This year, I have decided to make more short videos for the changing habits community, to bring you information on our products as well as what can be done with different whole foods. Here are some of the videos recently filmed at home and utilising my new garden. All videos will be put on you […]
Hangover cures
Christmas is a hard time of year to stick to any eating regime, but as a nutritionist I know that no one is perfect and so a little cheating now and then is to be expected! The key is not undoing all the wonderful work you’ve done throughout the year by making poor food and […]