How To Make Time for Health in Today’s Hectic World
Are you making time for your health now? So many people neglect to make time for themselves and, before too long, find themselves tackling a real health problem. It was the same for me - when I first signed up for the Fat Loss Protocol back in 2016 I weighed 122kgs,...

Ketosis – Is It For You?
Ketosis is a bit of a buzz word at the moment. But can everybody benefit from it? And what should you consider if you decide to try it? Our nutritionist Sheridan explains.

The Miracle of Minerals for Health
Minerals – much overlooked but so important for our health. Cyndi O’Meara explains why we should be taking minerals everyday for more reasons than you probably think…

How To Get Back on Track if Things Don’t Quite Go To Plan
So there you were, coasting along perfectly in the Fat Loss Protocol, when all of a sudden, “OOPS!” - an off-limits food or beverage item ‘accidentally’ made its way into your mouth.Be it a handful of nuts, a lick of ice cream, a packet of biscuits or a glass of wine,...

10 Tips for Healthy Food Shopping
Georgia Harding from Well Nourished shares her top tips for healthy grocery shopping.

Toxic Cleaning Products: Why You Should Throw Them Out, Now!
Chemical household cleaners can be extremely toxic and pose some significant health risks. We take a look at some common harmful ingredients and explain why you should switch to natural cleaning products.

5 Reasons Why I Tell My Clients To Get Outside
Getting outside can be so beneficial for your health. Here are 5 reasons to feel the sand between your toes!

How You Can Manage Hormonal Imbalances Naturally
In our latest Facebook Live session, nutritionists Cyndi O’Meara and Sheridan Williamson discuss hormonal imbalances. Find out what can go wrong and how you can fix hormonal imbalances naturally.

How To Beat Your Sugar Cravings
It can be so hard to stop eating sugar. One former ‘sugar addict’ tells her story and provides some tips for kicking a sugar craving.

Could You Have an Intestinal Parasite?
How can you tell if you have an intestinal parasite and what do you do to treat one? Our nutritionist Sheridan explains.

Confessions Of a Former Vegetarian: Why I Chose To Eat Meat Again
Cyndi O’Meara explains why she chose to start eating meat after years as a vegetarian – and offers some advice for those thinking of shunning the consumption of animal products altogether

How Food and Technology Affects Anxiety and Depression
Did you know that food can play a huge role in helping to manage anxiety and depression? Our nutritionist Sheridan explains more and also looks at the detrimental impact of technology on these conditions.

5 Reasons To Unplug and 5 Habits That Will Help
Unplugging from technology is so important in today’s modern world. Our nutritionist Sheridan explains why we should unplug and how to do it.

Bee Pollen – What’s The Buzz?
Bee pollen is one of nature’s most perfect and complete foods. It is created when flower pollen from the male part of the flower (the stamen) is collected on the bodies of bees. Flower pollen on its own is also nutritionally beneficial and can be consumed, but when the bee collects it, it combines the […]

How What You Eat Impacts the Health Of Your Gut
We look at why it’s so important to look after your gut and what you can do to make sure you have a good balance of gut bacteria to help it function at its best.

What May Be Causing Your Weight Issues
In our latest FB Live session, our nutritionist Sheridan focuses on what may be causing you to gain weight (or making it difficult for you to lose weight), including things beyond the food you are eating.