Farmers’ Markets 101: 5 Questions You Need to Ask Your Farmer
At local farmers markets, stallholders have more freedom as to what they can say, make claim to and add to their signage. How do you know if the food you’re buying is actually organic or ‘pesticide spray free’? Do you take everything at face value and trust what you are being told? If you want […]
Do you need to eliminate gluten completely?
At Changing Habits we’ve talked a lot about wheat and how it’s not what it used to be. Out of all the manmade ‘foods’ in the world, it seems most individuals’ immune systems respond dramatically to wheat and gluten the most. There are well over 50 autoimmune diseases linked to gluten, why is this? Why […]
Inca Inchi Salted Seeds… why we are so excited!
I am privileged to say that I was the lucky one. Yes, the lucky one because I got to purchase the first packet of Inca Inchi Salted Seeds in the whole of the Changing Habits community and staff. YES! I admit, I am in love. I parted with peanuts many years ago, when I learnt […]
That Sugar Tax
The UK last month instigated a sugar tax on soft drinks to be introduced in 2018. Â Australia seems to be following suit. But will it be the answer to the obesity and diabetes tsunami sweeping Australia and the rest of the world? 20% increase in the cost of soft drinks will probably bring it […]
Cyndi’s Personal Journey on the Fat Loss Protocol
Just over five years ago I embarked on a protocol based on an old 1970’s book called Pounds and Inches By Dr Simeon. It changed my life in many ways! I had turned 50 and I noticed over the previous years I was slowly putting on weight despite no change in my diet, I had […]
A day in the life of an elite athlete
Tyron Boorman is a 19 year old Junior World Rowing medal winner who is now attending the University of Canberra and still training 30 to 35 hours a week. Changing Habits have proudly sponsored Tyron over the last 3 years and his goal is to represent Australia at the 2020 Olympics. Recently, Tyron was kind […]
Why Sleep is Critical for Optimum Health
Less sleep than ever before As a population we are all sleeping less now than ever before. 31% of us are sleeping less than 6 hours per night and 69% of people have insufficient sleep. The problem isn’t just that we are waking up earlier; much of the issue has to do with when we […]
Silly season food tips
Do you want to stay healthy over the silly season but you’re feeling confused as to what to make that will be tasty, nourishing and still be healthy? We have compiled a few of our favourite breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks and drink ideas to help keep you motivated to stay on track and not […]
11 must have foods for top health
For our ancestors food was there to provide a means for survival, and a time to gather and communicate. Their lifestyle was based on survival, as the seasons ebbed and flowed they ate the foods available to them during that time of year. Sweet fruits and fatty meats were available in the summer, while nuts, […]
A journey of healing and self-discovery by guest blogger Sarah West
Like so many of us it took a health crisis for me to awaken to a new way of eating and living. Three years ago in 2012, two weeks after the birth of my first child, I developed Postpartum Psychosis. This is an acute mental illness that occurs after having a baby, a loss of […]
Regain control of your life – 11 tips to managing stress
It’s that time of the year. Christmas is just around the corner, social calendars are overflowing with invitations and end-of-year concerts and celebrations, relatives are making plans to get together and school holidays are nearly upon us. Although I absolutely love Christmas and spending time with my family, it can be a stressful time. You […]
From autism to wellness – a mum’s story
I rmet Kirsty at the 2015 Wellness Summit and after our discussion there, I just had to interview her so that I could share her story with our Changing Habits community. This interview is available as an audio file as well, but by popular demand, we’ve also made it into our blog for this week. […]
Berocca and Centrum – Food Supplements That are not What You Think! [Updated 2019]
Cyndi takes a look at two popular supplements – Centrum and Berocca. She questions their ingredients, whether there are actually any benefits in taking them and explains why real foods will always come out on top.
Top 10 ways to use Cacao Quick Hunger Fix
There’s no need to buy eight different ingredients for your favourite chocolate recipes! Our Changing Habits Organic Cacao Quick Hunger Fix has all the ingredients you need to make the following recipes which will save you time and money in the long run! Our latest product is packed full of nutritious ingredients containing magnesium, zinc, calcium, manganese, […]
Help – Depression, anxiety, night terrors and weight gain
I received a request recently from a young woman in her twenties who wanted me to give her a diet plan to help her lose weight. She was suffering from depression, anxiety and night terrors and the drugs she was taking had made her gain 10kg in eight months. She told her doctor she was […]
Collaboration is king – my top 12 favourite podcasts spread the message of healthy living
I will be speaking at a free event on the Sunshine Coast this weekend and I’m sure for the most part those that will be there will not know me or know my message. I will be talking about getting back to real foods – getting rid of breakfast cereals, modified milks, additive laced bread, […]